Thursday, July 19, 2012

The warrior spirit

Death is the basis of all fears.
The man that dose not fear death has nothing more to fear.
Only by accepting death will you stop to fear.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tony said it best

"In this country,first you get the money, then you get the power,THEN you get the woman"

Think And grow rich by Napoleon Hill

The holy bible of getting rich

Are you happy?

Were the magic happens

The magic is not that far away from your comfort zone
Reach out and take it ! 

The brick of your house

A person doesn't start with building a house,
He starts with laying a brick.
Every brick represents the foundation,
Every brick represents the house.
If you focus at putting one break perfectly at a time,
That brick will not move from any force.
When the last brick is placed, 
You´ll have a house that maintains.

-Mikael Segedi

Will Smith on the Law of Attraction